Quotes on the topic: Plate

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It is a scientific fact that your body will not absorb cholesterol if you take it from another person's plate.

I have a plate on my neck. I had my neck fused.

I say peace begins on your plate.

It's so beautifully arranged on the plate - you know someone's fingers have been all over it.

You reach a point when you say to yourself, 'Do I want to keep doing this?' There are other things on my plate I want to do - I've been writing a play; I've been neglecting my standup.

I have never been depressed or thrown a plate, which I attribute to the cathartic effects of writing books about people whose lives are more grueling than mine.

Joe Torre would tell you to make sure you can hit the ball on the outside part of the plate.

I was a great base umpire, but I was the most mediocre plate umpire to ever come into the major leagues.

I think at Le Cirque I learned how to make real food, which is what people crave, not just gimmicky things on a plate.

I try to be as quiet as I can at the plate, but still aggressive.

I lived through a classic publishing story. My editor was fired a month before the book came out. The editor who took it over already had a full plate. It was never advertised. We didn't get reviewed in any major outlets.

I do screen work, adult books, kids books and comic stuff, which gives me a pretty full plate. The problem is usually choosing which one I want to work on next.

Turkey is fine, but if I don't have the sides, forget about it. And cornbread stuffing is at the center of my plate. I will have about six sides and then a little bit of turkey and gravy.

One of the reasons I don't see eye to eye with Women's Lib is that women have it all on a plate if only they knew it. They don't have to be pretty either.

The plate tectonics of media have shifted where NBC had to become a new media company from an old media company.

I have a certain point of view, a certain way to plate food, certain ingredients that I like to use.

Hitting is business. With two strikes you really protect that plate.

The guy comes up to the plate, there's always a chance where he can get a grand slam and everybody forgets about all the times he missed.

The Vice-Presidency is sort of like the last cookie on the plate. Everybody insists he won't take it, but somebody always does.

I wish that the world's food was spread evenly on everybody's plate, and that no-one got more or less than anyone else.