Quotes on the topic: Hello

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Lesson one, introduce yourself to everyone when you walk into a room. Don't act like you're too bougie to say, 'Hello.'

I'm not the kind of guy who will pass someone without saying hello. If that's flaky, then I guess I'm flaky.

Some movie I was in, I forget which one, some awful little movie, a reviewer said, What is Jessica Walter doing in this movie? And I said, Hello? Trying to make a living?

You don't say hello to Mr. DeNiro? Show the respect, will ya?

But it's a strange thing when people judge you because you're not doing some big Hollywood film. Are you suggesting I should be in 'The Dukes of Hazzard?' I mean, hello?

Anticipating a boomerang child seems the odds-on thing to do. Think about furnishing - hello, sleeper sofa - with this in mind.

I get butterflies before I go out to say hello at a party.

Eventually I found it had been working all along-but didn't show anything on screen until it had the first full page of text. I inserted 30 new lines, and suddenly my toy said 'hEllO woRlD'. An hour later I understood alphabet shifting rather better!

Angelina came up, and as soon as we said hello, I thought, This is going to be great. I'm really going to love doing this with her. And I did. And then I was very excited to do the movie after that.

When I edit, I'm not from the school of Hello, I'm a genius, so everybody shut up. I'm from the school of Let's play it once in front of an audience, and then I'll tell you where it is going.

I think we've all been in the middle of doing something we cared about, when someone coming in the room and saying 'hello' was annoying. I personally can understand that, as someone who tries to create.

I asked my girlfriend, 'Will you marry me?' She said, 'We'll have to ask my father.' So we had a seance and Jack Ruby says, 'Hello!'

Really? Worst film you ever saw. Well, my next one will be better. Hello. Hello.

I do personal appearances, and I meet my fans, and I am genuinely honored that they come out to say 'hello' and just to see me. It's so fantastic to see that they give it back.

I do personal appearances, and I meet my fans, and I am genuinely honored that they come out to say 'Hello' and just to see me.

I think I was a Japanese schoolgirl in another life. That's how much I love Hello Kitty.

I noticed that there are no B batteries. I think that's to avoid confusion, cause if there were you wouldn't know if someone was stuttering. 'Yes, hello I'd like some b-batteries.' 'What kind?' 'B-batteries.' 'What kind?' 'B-batteries!' and D-batteries that's hard for foreigners. 'Yes, I would like de batteries.'

I get a little jealous of these actor boys. They walk into a club, and in two seconds flat there are swarms of girls who are wanting so badly to touch them or just say hello. That's not the case with me, or any other girl I know.

Girls are telling me to take my shirt off. It's like, 'Hello! I'm a person, too!'

I try to keep my integrity. I don't want to be in 'Hello!' or on 'Celebrity Big Brother.'