Quotes on the topic: Calendar

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I've found a formula for avoiding these exaggerated fears of age; you take care of every day - let the calendar take care of the years.

I use a really simple calendar program on my computer.

As for September 11, let us not too easily grant the Americans possession of that date on the calendar. Like May 1 or July 14 or December 25, September 11 may seem full of significance to some people, while to other people it is just another day.

A child gets vaccinated and soon after, autism symptoms emerge. The apparent cause-and-effect is understandable but erroneous - more a coincidence of the calendar and childhood developmental stages than anything else, as repeated and exhaustive studies have shown.

The birth of the Savior into mortality is an event of immeasurable significance that occurred almost 2,000 years ago. In much of the world, calendar years are numbered forward and backward from the entire time of His birth.

You should run your life not by the calendar but how you feel, and what you're interests are and ambitions.

Of the five House Calendars, the Private Calendar is the one to which all Private Bills are referred. Private Bills deal with specific individuals, corporations, institutions, and so forth, as distinguished from public bills which deal with classes only.

I've never been one of those who wanted to fill my calendar up 90 percent of the time.

I write everything down. I e-mail the second I think of something, or I write notes in my BlackBerry calendar. I set up reminder alerts on my phone. And I have a notebook by my bedside so I can write down any last-minute ideas.

I don't wait for the calendar to figure out when I should live life.

While my calendar with Moda Operandi often takes me to fashionable locales like Milan and Paris, I am thrilled when opportunities to visit new places present themselves.

I'm a big believer in everybody being themselves. If not doing a swimsuit calendar is yourself, that's great. But if doing a swimsuit calendar is yourself, then you should be able to do it. What I do outside the car adds to who I am and expresses a different side of me.

Don't be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of.

I think everyone lifts themselves that little bit extra for the Tour de France, being the pinnacle of our cycling calendar.

I have my whole life organized on an 11x17-inch tear-away weekly calendar.

I'm really into sci-fi. I always have been. In addition to that, I've always had a tremendous fascination with the lure of the Apocalypse or Judgment Day or the Mayan calendar, etc., etc.

I'm not big on to-do lists. Instead, I use e-mail and desktop folders and my online calendar. So when I walk up to my desk, I can focus on the e-mails I've flagged and check the folders that are monitoring particular projects and particular blogs.

I never got into using my phone's calendar. It's easier to write in my Tiffany day planner. There's something charming about having a datebook.

I'm so organised. I never screw up. I've done it maybe twice before. I check my calendar seven times a day.

Pantomime is a big thing in the cultural calendar of my country, you know. So subtlety's not my forte.