Quotes on the topic: Activists

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It's funny how most activists are pacifists.

There's no shortage of great young activists.

Activists are killed in Mexico.

If there are activists in Cosas and they do poorly academically, then they would be cited as examples as to why others should not be in Cosas.

O.K., helplessness is repugnant to me, as a father, as a piece of protoplasm. My parents were activists. I don't believe you can't do anything.

Journalists are simply leftists disguised as reporters. They're political activists disguised as reporters.

As long as people are living their truth or their vision, whether they're activists or not, that's the important thing.

We can all become activists and raise questions.

As discomfiting as it is to both market optimists and policy activists, a certain amount of instability is inherent to the economy.

I see so many activists... who are artists because they feel that they have the power of communication.