Quotes from Mark Pincus

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You can manage 50 people through the strength of your personality and lack of sleep. You can touch them all in a week and make sure they're all pointed in the right direction.

I got involved early on in social media - I created one of the first social networks - and for me, social gaming was a natural evolution of that.

Clearly as you move to being a public company, probably even more than growth, there is a huge value based on predictability.

I think you're defined as a company by what you choose to do and what you choose not to do.

Zynga made social gaming and play a worldwide phenomenon, and we remain the industry leader.

I think we live in a unique time - the verbs that make up our online and mobile lives haven't been completely invented or imagined for us. That was kind of a life path I was on.

People were hanging out in these places, and just like at cocktail parties, they needed something to do together. I thought, 'How can we fit games into someone's life?'

I need to aspire to be a great CEO and not just a great product engineer.

I seek out a lot of advice from other CEOs.

I've been good at product entrepreneuring.

I've grown a lot, and I'm learning every week.

My approach is that you have to earn the respect of people you work with.

From the beginning... I wanted to build a company that could sustain not for two years or four years or even ten years but be something that really matters over time the way Amazon and Google and others have.

I like to bet on people, especially those who have taken risks and failed in some way, because they have more real-world experience. And they're humble.

There are people who want the comfort and structure of a job where they're given tasks and told what to do. I think it's actually a minority of people. The majority of people don't want that, but I'd say that the companies I've built are full of people with something to prove.