Quotes on the topic: Nails

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I never go wild with nails.

Actually, I wear the nail polish to hide how grubby my nails are.

What they're not ready for is guys like you and I and Nails and all the other gnarly gnarlingtons in my life, that we are high priests, Vatican assassin warlocks. Boom. Print that, people. See where that goes.

Some kinds of nails, such as those used for defending the soles of coarse shoes, called hobnails, require a particular form of the head, which is made by the stroke of a die.

I have the reputation of being easygoing. But inside, I'm like nails. I will kill.

Ladies, I'll let you in on a lil secret: guys don't notice your nails.

There is a joke that your hammer will always find nails to hit. I find that perfectly acceptable.

I just got really into this one girl on Instagram and had her paint little pineapples on my nails during shooting.

What's cool about indie rock is that one band can do effectively the same thing as another band, and one band nails it, and the other one doesn't. I like that elusiveness.

A lot of people have something to say about 'Wuthering Heights,' but nobody quite nails it.

My brother is the youngest member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. And I wouldn't let him cut my nails.

I find getting my nails done the most tedious thing. I'm such a fidgety person; it's like torture. Everybody loves massages; I don't know what my problem is. I feel like I have to talk to the masseuses.

I suppose if you've never bitten your nails, there isn't any way to explain the habit. It's not enjoyable, really, but there is a certain satisfaction - pride in a job well done.

My school friends are really understanding and still want to hang out with me. Ever since I was in sixth grade, I was at the gym every day to work out while my friends were getting their nails done or going to the mall. I used to feel left out, but I don't anymore.

My hands are delicate and elegant, thank you very much. They're well-kept; my nails are clean.

Maybe the nails are a little stubby and gnawed on, but I definitely do not have man hands.

I don't love duck nails, where the nails are really wide on top. I am not a fan of that!

I am personally am a fan of buff nails - not so much of clear polish, but a great buff nail is amazing.

I have an odd fetish with nails. I was always doing beauty blogs about nails, and it would be on Fridays called 'Friday's Fingertip Fetish.' It became so popular that a nail polish company approached me, and Fingertip Fetish was born.

I like Nine Inch Nails, and I like hip-hop.