Quotes on the topic: Led

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I've worked in the business world and, as a futurist, the whole 20 years that I've led at Mosaic.

I've always been a leader my whole life. I've always led. I didn't know how to do anything else.

I plead total ignorance to Led Zeppelin. I am totally in the dark about them.

One might be led to suspect that there were all sorts of things going on in the universe which he or she did not thoroughly understand.

We got a lot of information from the detainees that eventually led us to bin Laden.

Led Zeppelin was pretty much what made me pick up drum sticks.

The idea led me into the research, which continues to give me more ideas for the story.

We'll always have bureaucracies, but bureaucracies led by bureaucrats might be too much of a bad thing.

With Crosby, Stills, and Nash and Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young... we're very strong individuals, and we want our lives to be led the way we want them to.

I've led a charmed life. I've known people who have been depressed, and I've never had that.

Propaganda is amazing. People can be led to believe anything.

If you're beautiful, you're led to believe that you can't also be smart.

Being an actor started me writing, and that led to directing.

This life that I've led has been really well suited for me.

For too long, Gov. Cuomo has led with fear, intimidation, and bullying.

I have led a pretty colorful life.

Unfortunately, kids are led to believe things are easier to achieve than they really are.

I have amazing friends who have led inspirational lives.

I am led by what I find to be true, not what I find to be popular.

I didn't really get to Led Zeppelin until I was in my 20s.