Quotes on the topic: Casting

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Local casting is just something I love doing.

I've moved into directing as well as acting, and it has taught me never to take casting personally.

Casting ethnic characters is a very hard thing to do, but it's important. It's also interesting.

Because when you watch U.S. television, all the presenters and reporters, they're all out of central casting.

I feel like a lot of directing is casting.

Are you casting asparagus on my cooking?

Casting is very, very important.

I don't like the sterility of the casting office.

The theoretical casting part of movies is the funnest part. You really can imagine so many different versions of a story based on who's embodying it.

Every casting director I've met is a woman.

Disney has the best casting. If he doesn't like an actor he just tears him up.

Casting directors tend to be the unsung heroes in this business.

Casting directors now just see me as the hard-core sniper or prison guard.

Casting directors don't necessarily want a more recognizable commercial face. Sometimes, they want a lesser known person.

In a way, I don't want to know what's being said in casting offices, because it can get pretty brutal, and I don't want to have to think about the reasons why I don't get one job or do get one job.

It is not like casting me in your movie is going to help you get financing.

If you believe that God put you here to act, then you have to be different. Go into casting offices, with something other girls don't have.

When a casting agent sees me, he kind of knows what he's getting.

I try to do more intelligent roles, unusual roles, and stronger women, and that's helped me a little bit with my casting opportunities.

For female directors, there's a whole other set of things we have to think about, particularly when we are casting men, because there are some actors who have never been directed by a woman. Crew members, too.