We can bring together rich natural resources, innovative research and development, smart investors, and risk-taking farming and manufacturing entrepreneurs.
The Second Green Revolution, as the world's population grows to over 9 billion by 2050, is the new revolution we have to have to lift food production by another 75 percent.
Only 10 per cent of food grown in India is processed. So the best way to reduce food waste and maximise calorie delivery is to increase that ratio of processed food to total food.
New Zealand's food and beverage industry is the lynchpin of the country's prosperity. Which may explain why it has concentrated their governments' minds.
I'm proud we have built a billion-dollar business from scratch here in the US. It has been done very much in a slow, building way. It wasn't an instant type of thing. America is a huge market where persistence is very important, and I am a builder by nature.
I have a dream that in the not-too-distant future, Visy Tumut will spend around $100 m to expand our clean energy generation here and take in additional waste forest wood to generate clean renewable energy and sell it into the power grid.
I believe in the difference that a man or woman can make at the top of an organisation. Once you have a really good guy in place at the top, the next most important thing is continuity of management as opposed to a revolving door.
Accelerated depreciation helps companies bring forward capital-intensive investments by reducing payback time. It's not a hand out. Companies still have to pay the tax, but they simply get to defer it.
My company in the U.S., Pratt Industries U.S.A., has grown from scratch to become a billion-dollar business based on recycling, as well as the largest Australian-owned employer of U.S. citizens.