Quotes from Sam Graves

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Government does not create jobs, but it can help set the table for economic growth with the right policies.

When we stop running up huge budget deficits and start acting responsibly in Washington, we will provide small-business owners with the certainty they need to put Americans back to work.

Improving small business opportunities through federal contracts creates jobs and saves taxpayer money.

If we don't enforce visa laws, we basically have open borders.

I'm not in favor of any amnesty whatsoever.

I want to thank the many Missourians who have reached out to me and asked me to consider running for the United States Senate.

I want people to be able to give their voice.

I understand that the nature of politics sometimes involves fending off frivolous, anonymous allegations.

I have personally seen Ted Cruz stand up and fight on the issues that matter the most to conservatives, even when it wasn't popular in Congress.

I have no preconceived notions of what SBA programs work or not.

I have heard firsthand from several small business owners about their struggle to borrow and their fear of taking on additional debt.

Having grown up on a family farm, I am all too familiar with the effects a drought can have on a crop.

Gov. Perry has led the way in Texas on creating an environment for job growth.

Federal regulations should promote safety without unnecessarily burdening small firms and costing much-needed jobs.

Economic recovery begins with our small businesses.

Despite overwhelming support for the United States to adopt English as its official language, we have still not taken that important step.

Competition is a powerful and essential part of this nation's economy and vital to cutting government costs.

By necessity, budgets require hard choices.

By and large, small companies don't want to settle for part-time employees over full-time positions.

At every turn, small businesses should be encouraged to compete. When they do, we all win.