Quotes on the topic: Ukraine

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Ukraine must be permitted to bring their own relief supplies safely to areas in the east of the country that are controlled by the separatists.

Anti-Semitic insults by 'Svoboda' have caused outrage on number of occasions both in Ukraine and in Israel.

Putin sought to keep Ukraine weak through corruption.

Putin sought to destabilize Ukraine's economy.

I grew up in the Ukraine 'til I was about 7, and then I moved to L.A.

When you live in a small town in the Ukraine, you definitely want to go to Paris.

The role that I played in Ukraine ended up resulting in Ukraine becoming part of the European community.

Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine is a gross violation of that nation's sovereignty and an affront to the international community.

Crimea was not a non-nuclear zone in an international law sense but was part of Ukraine, a state which doesn't possess nuclear arms.

NATO cannot accept that the unconstitutional coup in Ukraine has not led to the subjugation of the whole Ukrainian nation.

Russia is doing all it can to promote early stabilisation in Ukraine.

We have absolutely no intention of, or interest in, crossing Ukraine's borders.

I am a citizen of the world, and also a citizen of Ukraine.

Ukraine must once again be revered and respected by its citizens as well as the East and the West.

There is only one conflict in Ukraine today and it is between the regime and the people.

The old bastions of the post-communist regime collapsed before my very eyes. The monsters who had kept Ukraine in a criminal state left the stage.