Quotes on the topic: Sentence

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You got to be careful mentioning people as great as Clint Eastwood. You can't put me in the same sentence as that man.

I'm a language-oriented writer who proceeds sentence by sentence.

Be yourself. Above all, let who you are, what you are, what you believe shine through every sentence you write, every piece you finish.

These people have served a longer sentence than some people who have committed murder.

I write about it in the book and, you know, explain that. But that was the technicality that actually got my sentence reduced - that Alan Dershowitz used to have my sentence - it came down eventually to eight years.

It can be summed up in one sentence. Does this person have something to teach my students? No one has ever let us down.

I still understand a few words in life, but I no longer think they make a sentence.

I don't want someone taking half a sentence or paraphrasing me... Just too much risk.

Read every sentence you write out loud. If it sounds boring, kill it.

And I don't want to begin something, I don't want to write that first sentence until all the important connections in the novel are known to me. As if the story has already taken place, and it's my responsibility to put it in the right order to tell it to you.

It's hard to write when you think every sentence is going to be read by a million kids.

This sentence contradicts itself - no actually it doesn't.

It's true that stammerers can become more adept at sentence construction.

Every sentence stands on its own. Whether that's fair or not, that's kind of the way it is.

If you want to know who your friends are, get yourself a jail sentence.

I had a bad stutter when I was really young. I couldn't get a sentence out. Like, 'D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-ad.' And that turned into a mumble.

The first sentence of a book is a promise.

I do feel that if you can write one good sentence and then another good sentence and then another, you end up with a good story.

Nobody writes like Nabokov; nobody ever will. What I would give to write one sentence like Vladimir!

Secondly, love and relationships are complicated. No one could ever get it right in a four-line sentence.