Quotes on the topic: Saudi

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I am waiting for the day when the German Bundestag debates the violation of human rights in Saudi Arabia.

I'm telling you, you can't compare Saudi Arabia to other countries.

America is the Saudi Arabia of coal.

Saudi Arabia makes a billion dollars a day, okay? They make a billion dollars a day.

But Saudi Arabia is surprising in a lot of ways. Like any place, or any people, it relentlessly defies easy categorization.

Saudi Arabia is a frightened monarchy. It's beset by Sunni extremists from the Islamic State and Shiite extremists backed by Iran.

Saudi Arabia has allowed training on its soil of American forces.

Saudi Arabia inflames the Sunni-Shiite divide and sets a pernicious example of intolerance by banning churches.

Saudi Arabia supplies much oil to the U.S. And it is the world's largest consumer of American weaponry.

Saudi Arabia is one of India's most valued strategic partners.

I understand the Saudis have been named because fifteen of the nineteen hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.