Quotes on the topic: Profanity

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I want all this loud profanity in the street stopped. I want people to think about choices.

I wanted to cut down on the profanity, because I think I'm funnier without sayin' a lot of cuss words.

I love profanity, but I think if it's used too much, it just sounds a little trashy. I think it's more effective when it's dropped intelligently. I like intelligent profanity.

No matter how I do this, my best songs have profanity in them.

Under certain circumstances, urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.

I do not use profanity in my novels. My characters all go to church.

There's a very particular way that the military speaks. There's a lot of profanity and a lot of acronyms.

I'm not against profanity. It's an important part of the language when used properly.

For every profanity, there's a story behind it. People should go beyond my cussing.

Wal-Mart went on a rampage years ago insisting all music they carry be censored of all profanity and 'clean' versions be made for them to carry.