Quotes on the topic: Plays

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When I was in school, and even after, I did a lot of classic plays, and I guess it sort of extended into film.

I'm more rooted in new plays and new writing.

I'm an actor who plays an intriguing character, not a political pundit.

I am just a guy who plays drums.

I did write a couple of original screenplays, but I'd rather write plays.

My fault now is making my plays too short.

Even when I was in school shows, in elementary school doing plays, I'd always go off book and start improvising.

I like musicals that look more like plays.

I suppose, the natural outgrowth about writing about two friends, it becomes about their friendship, and the complexities of it, and the way personality plays off each other, and what they each like to do, separately and together.

Yeah, I have the detail-obsessed, controlling personality of a novelist, but I somehow ended up writing plays.

Shakespeare's plays are more violent than 'Scarface.'

I started out doing a lot of theater, a lot of Shakespeare, classic plays.

I'm always in disguise in one form or another in my plays.

I write plays about big, intense subjects.

I write plays about things that I can't resolve in my mind. I try to root things out.

I don't mind watching plays once in a while, but as long as I don't have to be in them.

I mean, I did plays in high school, but I was convinced you couldn't make a living doing it.

A lot of times, I played bass on songs. Gene plays guitar on some songs.

There are really only two plays: Romeo and Juliet, and put the darn ball in the basket.

Any play is hard to write, and plays are getting harder and harder to get on the stage.