Quotes on the topic: Artwork

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Artwork is a representation of our devotion to life.

Every person, every artist makes his life an artwork.

I'm an unabashed fan of 'The New Yorker.' I do feel proud when I see my artwork in there.

I personally really like getting a proper album with artwork and everything.

I have been asked to collaborate with fashion houses using my artwork, which I will probably do.

I produce a lot of my artwork in Germany.

Even when I do really big pieces, I do them strips by strips - so you have to paste, you have to involve people. It's a whole process. And I like that. For me, that's where the artwork is.

- JR

If I'm not invested emotionally, the artwork doesn't feel emotional.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that M. Dirda is a sucker for anything bookish in the way of artwork.

I love that fans feel comfortable enough to send us their artwork.