Quotes from Eduard Shevardnadze

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Zhvania was the general secretary of the organisation which I founded, the Citizens' Union. It was the biggest organisation and came first in all elections, and Zhvania was the leader.

True, other countries are helping us. Germany is determined to provide substantial help. So are the Netherlands and other states. But a day will come when we have to count on our own resources.

They're making a song and dance because that serves their immediate interests. But what will happen tomorrow? They will have to pay salaries and pensions.

I believe that with the help of foreign countries - and under that condition only, because they have no other source of financing - the new government may temporarily extricate Georgia from the current situation.

But the Americans have no extra money. They have their own problems. They can provide financial assistance for two, three, four, or six months at most.

You know in the West they support realistic forces.

When I came back to power, Georgia was completely isolated on the international stage.

The external world is committed to helping Georgia settle its problems.

Prospects of normalizing our relations with Russia look good.

No Georgian has the right to evade or neglect his duties and responsibilities.

In my life I have always found ways of dealing with a situation.

I was a member of the Politburo for seven years, a foreign minister.

I don't plan to return. I have a lot of unresolved things to do.

I couldn't stand the idea of bloodshed, casualties.

But we cannot rely on foreign help indefinitely.

We also have a real opportunity to join NATO.

I think my resignation was the only way to avoid bloodshed.

Germany is determined to provide substantial help. So are the Netherlands and other states. But a day will come when we have to count on our own resources.

To sum up, what has been our policy? We looked for and found friends all throughout the world.

It is absolutely impossible to settle the debts to pensioners, teachers, and others. The country hasn't got enough money to do so.