Quotes from Letitia Baldrige

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A really first-class company uses really fine stationery.

You don't need the White House to please people. You can be 24, earning $22,000 a year, and have people over to your tiny apartment. It's all about sharing and thinking about what will make others happy.

I believe in teaching manners without causing fisticuffs.

Go to any bookstore, and you'll see thousands of books on etiquette, which suggests there's a lot of self-help going on. There is hope.

Eating American-style, you put the knife down and clang. Continental is silent and efficient.

Doubleday is used to my talking about manners because I am, after all, known for that, and that's my persona.

Chivalry isn't dead. It's just no longer gender-based.

CEOs are called by their first names by young whippersnappers. That makes everybody uncomfortable. We need order and structure back in the workplace.

At tea time, all the noise, greed and aggressiveness of the '80s can be drowned out. For 45 minutes, anyway.

All of the First Ladies were good, creative and strong. I've always said they should be paid.

Administrations had come and gone in Pennsylvania Avenue, but many old entertaining traditions had survived - thru habit and not thru merit.

Tea time is a chance to slow down, pull back and appreciate our surroundings.

A bride is a bride the first time around. The white dress and the white veil are symbolic. So many people are breaking the rules that people don't know what the rules are.

There are major CEOs who do not know how to hold a knife and fork properly, but I don't worry about that as much as the lack of kindness.

You'd be surprised how much easier it is to conduct business over tea than over lunch or dinner in a bustling restaurant.

We ought to be vigilantes for kindness and consideration.

I don't ever knock anybody; that's bad manners.

For every step forward in electronic communications, we've taken two steps back in humanity. People know how to use a computer and answering machines but have forgotten how to connect with one another. Our society is unraveling. We're too self-obsessed.

For every rude executive who makes it to the top, there are nine successful executives with good manners.

If you really screw up, send roses.