Quotes on the topic: Warfare

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There is such a thing as legitimate warfare: war has its laws; there are things which may fairly be done, and things which may not be done.

A military leader should always understand, of all human endeavors... the one that's the most unpredictable and the most costly is warfare.

If you look at footage of the Newfoundland Regiment, you see they are at rest and giddy and being silly with one another. Silliness is the antidote to trench warfare.

I believe in campaigning for health care, not warfare.

If we are to be destroyed we will do it ourselves by warfare with thermonuclear weaponry.

Pleasant it to behold great encounters of warfare arrayed over the plains, with no part of yours in peril.

The best way to avoid warfare is if no one shows up.

This country cannot afford the deceptive luxury of waging defensive warfare.

Class warfare has never created a job.

You do have to change things as warfare changes.

Life is a struggle, but not a warfare.

No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.

History has been the history of warfare.

Insurrection by means of guerrilla bands is the true method of warfare for all nations desirous of emancipating themselves from a foreign yoke. It is invincible, indestructible.

Indeed, whenever a new idea is developed, as for example ballooning, warfare immediately takes possession.

Bonobo studies started in the '70s and came to fruition in the '80s. Then in the '90s, all of a sudden, boom, they ended because of the warfare in the Congo. It was really bad for the bonobo and ironic that people with their warfare were preventing us from studying the hippies of the primate world.

Raising kids is part joy and part guerrilla warfare.

The most terrible job in warfare is to be a second lieutenant leading a platoon when you are on the battlefield.

Warfare against civilians must never be answered in kind. Terror must never be answered with terror.