Quotes on the topic: Salvation

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You cannot be responsible for salvation until first you've been responsible for sin.

The salvation of the elect was as certain before His advent, though accomplished by it, as afterwards.

There is but one way left to save a classic; to give up revering him and use him for our own salvation.

There is no salvation in becoming adapted to a world which is crazy.

Africa's salvation doesn't lie in begging and begging for more aid, and as an African, I find it very, very humiliating.

Vatican II declares the Church... as necessary for salvation.

An idea is salvation by imagination.

I could be wrong about salvation. I could be wrong about a lot of things.

To this light, then, would I recommend all, with mine own soul, - to this sure way of salvation.

The Book of Mormon offers so much that broadens our understandings of the doctrines of salvation. Without it, much of what is taught in other scriptures would not be nearly so plain and precious.

Salvation for a race, nation or class must come from within.

That is, the only reason salvation is necessary is to get us back to the garden. The Pentateuch not only presents where we began but also why we are not there any more, and why and how we need to get back.

If I die without food or without eternal salvation, I want to die without food.

I firmly believe that our salvation depends on the poor.

It is more noble to give yourself completely to one individual than to labor diligently for the salvation of the masses.

Music has always been my constant, my salvation. It's cliche to write that, but it's true.

But I'm going to focus on salvation as well as physical healing.

These are fountains of salvation that they who thirst may be satisfied with the living words they contain. In these alone is proclaimed the doctrine of godliness. Let no man add to these, neither let him take out from these.

One may preach a covenant of grace more clearly than another... But when they preach a covenant of works for salvation, that is not truth.

Salvation is from our side a choice, from the divine side it is a seizing upon, an apprehending, a conquest by the Most High God. Our 'accepting' and 'willing' are reactions rather than actions. The right of determination must always remain with God.