Quotes on the topic: Rational

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Illogical thinkers throw names and slurs around because they have no arguments with which to rebut their opponents. Rational people have to keep hammering their points home.

I find religion and spirituality fascinating. I would like to believe this isn't the end and there's something more, but I can't convince the rational part of me that that makes any sense whatsoever.

For people who have no critical acumen, a state is a mythical entity, for those who think critically it is a rational fiction, created by man in order to facilitate human coexistence.

Linguistics will have to recognise laws operating universally in language, and in a strictly rational manner, separating general phenomena from those restricted to one branch of languages or another.

Universities are the custodians not only of the many cultures of man, but of the rational process itself.

A little simplification would be the first step toward rational living, I think.

Science stands for rational thought, faith for superstition and unreason.

If individuals are rational, there is no need to protect them against their own choices.

To be bothered wherever you go - it's not a rational thing to want at all.

'I realize they say we are 'wacko' and 'out there, but we are the most rational of all.

There are two kinds of terrorism. Rational terrorism such as Palestinian terrorism and apocalyptic terrorism like Sept. 11. You have to distinguish between the two.

First, he must hold rational values, and to do this he must be a thinker.

Every aspect of Western culture needs a new code of ethics - a rational ethics - as a precondition of rebirth.

Refusal to believe until proof is given is a rational position; denial of all outside of our own limited experience is absurd.

Of all the ways of defining man, the worst is the one which makes him out to be a rational animal.

The tubular steel chair is surely rational from technical and constructive points of view. It is light, suitable for mass production, and so on. But steel and chromium surfaces are not satisfactory from the human point of view.

The task of a university is the creation of the future, so far as rational thought and civilized modes of appreciation can affect the issue.

Rational beliefs bring us closer to getting good results in the real world.

There's no evidence whatsoever that men are more rational than women. Both sexes seem to be equally irrational.

I started to call myself a rational therapist in 1955; later I used the term rational emotive. Now I call myself a rational emotive behavior therapist.