Quotes on the topic: Misfits

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Misfits aren't misfits among other misfits.

When you feel like an oddball, it never really leaves you. Even now, I'm better around people who are uncomfortable with themselves - the misfits.

And then the first was The Misfits, which I enjoyed very much, with Marilyn and Gable.

I love stories about misfits and underdogs.

You put an old Misfits record on, and it sounds like it came out yesterday.

Look at all the Misfits products that came out. We never made a dime off it.

San Francisco has always been a haven for misfits and weirdos. I'm both of those, which is why I came here.

'Misfits' is one of my favorite shows; I think it's a fantastic show.

I think we all feel like misfits when we open our mouth sometimes, you know?

I try to be the fixer of situations and I gravitate to people who are institutional misfits.

I've always identified with the misfits.