Quotes on the topic: Flavor

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When you pursue great flavor, you also pursue great ecology.

Taste, which enables us to distinguish all that has a flavor from that which is insipid.

Life has a certain flavor for those who have fought and risked all that the sheltered and protected can never experience.

We can create any sort of flavor on a printed image that we set our minds to.

I write novels, mostly historical ones, and I try hard to keep them accurate as to historical facts, milieu and flavor.

There are about 700 flavors that you can smell, but only five you can taste. A lot of times what you're perceiving as flavor has nothing to do with palette, but it's more to do with scents.

I was not a big Allman Brothers fan but I could relate to that because that is what the flavor of the day was at that time - at least it was like that for me.

I'm the flavor of the month.

Your man Flavor Flav is living!

If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.

I concentrate in my work on preserving and displaying the original flavor from each ingredient in a dish.

Perhaps that suspicion of fraud enhances the flavor.

I may sample at Pinkberry, but when I find a flavor I like, I'm pretty committed to it.

You have a lot more freedom when you're the sidekick - you can bring a lot more of your own flavor to the role, and you can get away with a lot more.

If you like vanilla, you're not going to like 'Breaking Bad' - you need to like a specific flavor that is unusual, that is different, that takes risks.

Being in the Midwest, you get the best of all worlds and add your own flavor to it.

A lot of food criticism has a similar flavor to it, and I'm probably going to write about it in a different way.

I wanted to try to write songs on the piano to get a different flavor.

I like older people; I think older people have a lot of flavor.

Everything tastes better with butter. Meat that has fat in it is tender in a certain way, flavorful in a certain way. It's hard to deny the flavor quotient there.