Quotes from Hedy Lamarr

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Analysis gave me great freedom of emotions and fantastic confidence. I felt I had served my time as a puppet.

If I had my way everyone would have a psychiatrist. When the brain is sick and you must throw up, you do it by being purged in a psychiatrist's office.

Perhaps my problem in marriage - and it is the problem of many women - was to want both intimacy and independence. It is a difficult line to walk, yet both needs are important to a marriage.

I have never seen a wrestling match or a prize fight, and I don't want to. When I find out a man is interested in these sports, I drop him.

I've met the most interesting people while flying or on a boat. These methods of travel seem to attract the kind of people I want to be with.

All creative people want to do the unexpected.

My mother always called me an ugly weed, so I never was aware of anything until I was older. Plain girls should have someone telling them they are beautiful. Sometimes this works miracles.

I've been an important star and lived a full life, yet I only hve three close friends. I guess that's all anyone can expect.

I am not ashamed to say that no man I ever met was my father's equal, and I never loved any other man as much.

It's funny about men and women. Men pay in cash to get them and pay in cash to get rid of them. Women pay emotionally coming and going. Neither has it easy.

I have not been that wise. Health I have taken for granted. Love I have demanded, perhaps too much and too often. As for money, I have only realized its true worth when I didn't have it.

A good painting to me has always been like a friend. It keeps me company, comforts and inspires.

Experts always know everything but the fine points. When I took my citizenship exams, no one there knew how the White House came to be called the White House.

I think women are concerned too much with their clothes. Men don't really care that much about women's clothes. If they like a girl, chances are they'll like her clothes.

Let any pretty girl announce a divorce in Hollywood and the wolves come running. Fresh meat for the beast, and they are always hungry.

Because you don't live near a bakery doesn't mean you have to go without cheesecake.

I find very often that very ugly women have really handsome men and vice versa because they don't have any competition. Sometimes handsome men have avoided me.

I remember all too well the premiere of Ecstasy when I watched my bare bottom bounce across the screen and my mother and father sat there in shock.

I don't fear death because I don't fear anything I don't understand. When I start to think about it, I order a massage and it goes away.

The ceremony took six minutes. The marriage lasted about the same amount of time though we didn't get a divorce for almost a year.