Quotes from Mo Ibrahim

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We measure everything - why not governance?

When I was young, there was only one TV channel, sponsored by the government, and it only broadcast things like what the leader had for breakfast. There was no real media.

Transfer pricing is causing huge problems in Africa.

I think the Cold War was worse for Africa than colonialism.

The Security Council represents the situation from 1945 - you had the Allies who won the war who occupied that. The defeated guys - the Germans and Japan - were out. The occupied countries had no voice. That was fine in '45, but today, Germany rules Europe, frankly. They are driving Europe but have no voice.

Electoral turnout is falling among the young, and political apathy is on the rise.

More people smile at me now I'm richer.

While the Marshall Plan was important for Europe's recovery, Europe's prosperity was really built on economic integration and policy coherence.

Nobody in Africa loves to be a beggar or a recipient of aid. Everywhere I go in Africa, people say, 'When are we going to stand up on our feet?'

Retail banking in Africa is very weak. You can't go to a village and get money from an ATM or visit a branch of the bank. So people have to use the Internet.

There is a crisis of leadership and governance in Africa, and we must face it.

Intimidation, harassment and violence have no place in a democracy.

Sudan cannot afford to be on the wrong side of history. The north and south will have to work together, but will they?

Africa was perceived - it still is to some extent - as a place which is very difficult to do business in. I don't share that view.

We cannot expect loyalty to an unjust regime.

I don't subscribe to the narrative that Africa is backward because of colonialism.

Africa has 53 countries. And you find that three or four countries in these 53 are dominating the news.

If Sudan starts to crumble, the shock waves will spread.

I think we need to look at ourselves first. We should practice what we're preaching. Otherwise, we are hypocrites.

You get over your first love by falling in love with something new.