Quotes from Saint Ignatius

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We esteem, honor, and love the apostles more than the other saints, because they served God more faithfully and because they loved Him more perfectly.

Considering that the blessed life we so long for consists in an intimate and true love of God Our Creator and Lord, which binds and obliges us all to a sincere love.

The wellbeing of the head resounds throughout the whole body, and as are the Superiors, so, in turn, will their subjects be.

While studying at Barcelona, Ignatius was in doubt whether, after completing his studies, he should enter some Religious Order, or go from place to place, according to his custom. He decided to enter upon the religious life.

We should always be disposed to believe that that which appears white is really black, if the hierarchy of the Church so decides.

To have prevented one single sin is reward enough for the labors and efforts of a whole lifetime.

The principal end both of my father and of myself in the conquest of India... has been the propagation of the holy Catholic faith.

Concerning the harsh treatment of the body for our Lord's sake, I would say, avoid anything that would cause the shedding even of a drop of blood.

When Ignatius understood that God did not wish him to remain at Jerusalem, he began to consider what he should do. The plan he approved and adopted was to enter upon a course of study in order to be better fitted to save souls.

In the fallen there is danger of pride and vainglory, since they prefer their own judgment to the judgment of everyone else, usurping what is not their own by setting themselves up as judges in their own cause when the rightful judge is their superior.

We should not have a petty regard for God's gifts, though we may and should despise our own imperfections.

It is not the soul alone that should be healthy; if the mind is healthy in a healthy body, all will be healthy and much better prepared to give God greater service.

Remember that the good angels do what they can to preserve men from sin and obtain God's honor. But they do not lose courage when men fail.

Little by little he came to recognize the difference between the spirits that agitated him, one from the enemy and one from God.

One rare and exceptional deed is worth far more than a thousand commonplace ones.

It is proper to ask for sorrow with Christ in sorrow, anguish with Christ in anguish, tears and deep grief because of the great affliction Christ endures for me.

It is certain that, because the negligent do not struggle against self, they never achieve peace of soul or do so tardily, and never possess any virtue in its fullness, while the energetic and industrious make notable advances on both fronts.

It is not hard to obey when we love the one whom we obey.

May the perfect grace and eternal love of Christ our Lord be our never-failing protection and help.

Even in the angels there is the subordination of one hierarchy to another, and in the heavens, and all the bodies that are moved, the lowest by the highest and the highest in their turn unto the Supreme Mover of all.