Quotes from Najib Mikati

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I wish - I wish the peace and good for the Syrian citizen and the Syrian regime.

We open our door, and we are still committed to open our door for our brothers in Syria. But doesn't mean that we should not keep alone. The international community should really - should really share Lebanon the numbers of refugees and share Lebanon the cost of their living.

The most important, what I believe myself to do, is what is the interest of Lebanon, what is the interest of my country and my nation? And I'm going to do it fully.

My own agenda is going to be followed, and that agenda is to maintain very good relations with the international community, and Lebanon has to fulfill its commitments.

I announce the resignation of the government, perhaps as the only way for Lebanon's main political blocs to assume their responsibilities and come together to pull Lebanon out of an unknown tunnel.

I am not keen just for the position; I'm keen to help and to serve. If I can really avoid any bad things on my country, I will not hesitate one second.

What I'm trying to do, and my policy, is to disassociate, to shy away from what's going on in Syria.

What I'm trying to do is save and rescue the country if I can, and I'm doing my best to do it.

We have to look to the well-being of the Lebanese citizens and create prosperity in the country, and you can't create prosperity without stability.

My agenda is not to reassure anybody outside Lebanon.

In my opinion, the Hezbollah has going - they are going to discover sooner or later than in their top priority should preserve Lebanon.

If I'm still walking, I am not dead. So I have to still walk and run towards the benefit of Lebanon.

Stability cannot occur without a Palestinian Spring through the full implementation of the Palestinians' right to self-determination on their land.

I thank God that I left office the same way I came in: with integrity.

I have a friendship with Hezbollah, and I also have contacts outside of Lebanon, but it doesn't mean I follow anyone's agenda.

I choose my words very delicately because I have a divided society.

I cannot either change or do anything bad or good to the Syrian people and Syrian citizens.

I call on the people of Tripoli to restrain themselves and not get drawn into conflict with anyone.

I believe nobody is stronger than the state. So the state would be strong, and we have to work altogether to make the strength of the state.

I am Lebanese, and I know the interests of my country.