Quotes from Hugo Chavez

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Venezuela has changed forever.

Convinced as I am and as I am from my government that the world needs a new moral architecture over all I believe that this should be the first topic to debate in our world of today, ethics, moral.

I remember. How many minutes do I have left President? About one, one minute.

The U.S. people have a major role to play to solve, to save this planet.

This has been a great victory for the Venezuelan people.

In the United States, the government is bailing out banks, intervening in the economy, yet in Latin America, the Right continues to talk about 'free markets.' It's totally outdated; they don't have arguments; they don't have any sense.

Most governments in the United States in a hundred years have not respected the peoples of Latin America. They have sponsored coup d'etats, assassinations.

I painted. I wanted to be a painter. I sang.

The problem is not the oil, but what they do with the oil. The United States is the biggest spender of oil and of all the planet resources.

What is the U.S. government looking for? And the elite governing this country? They're looking for oil.

An infernal machine that produces every minute an impressive amount of poor, 26 million poor in 10 years are 2.6 million per year of new poor, this is the road, well, the road to hell.

They do not walk in... the path of Christ.

No part of the human community can live entirely on its own planet, with its own laws of motion and cut off from the rest of humanity.

It's a lie! I am not an anti-Semite. The World Jewish Congress supported me and said that I am not anti-Semitic.

I hereby accuse the North American empire of being the biggest menace to our planet.

Even socialist dictators have an interest in gorgeous supermodels.

I am convinced that the path to a new, better and possible world is not capitalism, the path is socialism.

I'm a Christian. I want the world of justice and equality. This is the only way to achieve peace.

We must reduce the emissions 100 percent. In Venezuela, the emissions are currently insignificant compared to the emissions of the developed countries.

We must confront the privileged elite who have destroyed a large part of the world.