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Mary Astell Quotes - IQDb - Internet Quotes Database

Quotes from Mary Astell

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That Man indeed can never be good at heart, who is full of himself and his own Endowments.

The Steps to Folly as well as Sin are gradual, and almost imperceptible, and when we are once on the Decline, we go down without taking notice on't.

Whilst our Hearts are violently set upon any thing, there is no convincing us that we shall ever be of another Mind.

Women need not take up with mean things, since (if they are not wanting to themselves) they are capable of the best.

Hitherto I have courted Truth with a kind of Romantick Passion, in spite of all Difficulties and Discouragements: for knowledge is thought so unnecessary an Accomplishment for a Woman, that few will give themselves the Trouble to assist us in the Attainment of it.

To all the rest of his Absurdities, (for vice is always unreasonable,) he adds one more, who expects that Vertue from another which he won't practise himself.

To plead for the Oppress'd and to defend the Weak seem'd to me a generous undertaking; for tho' it may be secure, 'tis not always Honourable to run over to the strongest party.

We all agree that its fit to be as Happy as we can, and we need no Instructor to teach us this Knowledge, 'tis born with us, and is inseparable from our Being, but we very much need to be Inform'd what is the true Way to Happiness.

Women are from their very infancy debarred those Advantages with the want of which they are afterwards reproached.

That which has not a real excellency and value in it self, entertains no longer than the giddy Humour which recommended it to us holds.

The Soul debases her self, when she sets her affections on any thing but her creator.

If none were to Marry, but Men of strict Vertue and Honour, I doubt the World would be but thinly peopled.

If God had not intended that Women shou'd use their Reason, He wou'd not have given them any, 'for He does nothing in vain.'

If a Woman can neither Love nor Honour, she does ill in promising to Obey.

How can a Man respect his Wife when he has a contemptible Opinion of her and her Sex?

God is His own Design and End, and that there is no other Worthy of Him.

For certainly there cannot be a higher pleasure than to think that we love and are beloved by the most amiable and best Being.

Every Body has so good an Opinion of their own Understanding as to think their own way the best.

Certain I am, that Christian Religion does no where allow Rebellion.

We may not commit a lesser Sin under pretence to avoid a greater, but we may, nay we ought to endure the greatest Pain and Grief rather than commit the least Sin.