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Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje Quotes - IQDb - Internet Quotes Database

Quotes from Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje

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Also, I'd like to play an athlete again, while I'm still physically fit, or a musician, like Nat King Cole, because I play the trumpet and sing. I'd like to incorporate that into a character.

When a child wants to be accepted, he'll do anything. And if it means you're getting a certain amount of notoriety from a fight, that's what you'll do.

I've played different nationalities, and everything from vulnerable to strong to crooked to demented. It just increases your possibilities of work because, if people know you can do just about anything, then you're going to get more offers. That's what I want to do.

I think that what 'Oz' did is it spawned a great generation of television production. But people know its place in television and just in great dramas. It's the foundation of my career. Most producers, show runners, directors, and casting directors put me in movies based on my performance in that show.

What is a shame is that there isn't stuff that is as great as 'Oz' on a consistent level around today.

The only way I know how to deliver is to focus; some people can turn it on or off - I'd rather stay in character.

Personally, I love Toronto.

I wanted to wash off the experience of Africa but obviously I couldn't because that's who I was.

Certainly, I look for different characters 'cause I always like to keep people guessing, and I also don't like to get typecast.

My father was a lorry driver, very rarely at home. The house was run by my mother, and because there were 10 or so kids, there was no time for individual attention. It was about survival. It was about where the next meal was coming from.

Wale means to arrive home. So the crown has arrived home. Akin is warrior or brave man. Nuoye is a brave man of chieftaincy and Agbaje means wealth and prosperity.

You really have to act your pants off to stay alive. I thrive on that; I rise to the occasion of the circumstances.

It's a significant question: should black people only adopt black children, and white people white children?

I just want to keep the diversity and the options open. In terms of what I'm looking for, I'd like to do a lead action role.

I'm of Nigerian descent, from the Yoruba tribe. Names are very significant in that culture. It basically states your purpose in life.

I've never been really great at trusting anybody, just because of the way I grew up.

The only way you can influence your fate is to put your soul into your performance and hope it registers with the audience.

Well, filming in Hawaii, you know, is a blessing. It's one of the most beautiful places on this planet. It has a very mystic energy which informs you as an actor.

I was always led to believe you should take care of yourself, trust in your abilities and you're the author of your own destiny.